Monday 29 March 2010

It's Been Awhile

My last update was on Saturday, 9th January 2010. So it's been awhile, whats new in the life of James and Janet? Not much except for my desire to live full-time as female. I don't feel happy as male simply because I feel trapped inside the wrong body and can't speak to my Mother, Sister, Brother-in-Law, Nieces, Brother and Sister-in-Law about it as they are going to be losing a member of the family who think is happy living as a man.

I've been having appointments with a learning mentor at College, regarding my feelings and thoughts for the future who has been very supportive listening to what I have to say. In my last meeting which occured Wednesday, 17th March 2010 I told her if it would be alright if she would see me dressed enfemme if I we're to go full-time as female and she said yes no problem and that made me very happy and emotional! I am on discussion forums like Rose's and Transliving which is another place I talk about my transgendered needs with other people like myself, but on the forums members are saying things like you arn't TS (transsexual) and the thing is I am.

Here's what I'd like to happen eventually: someone else who's like myself and is a person I know could explain to my mother what I'm going through, that is the only way things could move on to the next stage which is going to see a doctor and gender specialist. I need to live full-time as a girl but don't want to have gender reassignment surgery, being pre-op will be the right destination for me which does include female hormones.

There maybe an opportunity for me going to sparkle in July which is good, it's not certain yet but if all goes well I'll do an update based on the event and might have videos for youtube.

On my website I have added my new audio blog, which I hope you enjoy listening too and here is the audio blog announcement video plus other updates on the site.

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